Sunday, December 30, 2012

Horrible bosses movie trailer

Neither of them live up to Colin Farrell's whacked-out, coke-paranoid Bobby Pellitt, though, who has most of the best lines (including, in reference to a wheelchair-bound employee, "It creeps me out – rolling around all day in his special little secret chair!" – again, in the trailer). At the same time,
Jennifer Aniston raises her potty-mouth game, discussing "cocks" and "pussy" with such abandon that it's all you can do to shake your head and think “Oh no no no…but you're Rachel..." Her first line, in which she asks Charlie Day if he has ever seen Gossip Girl only to say that she spent the previous night "fingering myself so hard to Penn Badgley, I broke a nail" left me flabbergasted. Which is, of course, the point, but still... Rachel.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Horrible bosses cast and crew

Jason Bateman   

Steve Wiebe   

Kevin Spacey   

Charlie Day   

Lindsay Sloane   

Michael Albala   
Jennifer Aniston   

Jason Sudeikis   

Jennifer Hasty   

Reginald Ballard   

George Back   

Barry Livingston   

Meghan Markle   

Donald Sutherland   

Celia Finkelstein   

Colin Farrell   

Directed by
Seth Gordon        

Horrible bosses overview

Everyone has had a bad boss Рsomeone who didn't seem to know what they were doing, promised a promotion but passed you up for it, promoted themselves, ignored you, stepped on you, never really worked, or worse. It's a clich̩ at this point. And this is why Horrible Bosses is both refreshing and kinda stale all at the same time. The film centers on three friends РJason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day Рwho conspire to kill their terrible bosses (who commit the offenses noted above, and worse), but find out it's much easier said than done. The film certainly doesn't tread any new ground. It also steals bits from other movies quite often. Hell, the film even opens and closes using the same song that opens and closes I Love You, Man. But Horrible Bosses is cathartic and entertaining as hell to watch hnonetheless

The film's biggest flaw is that it simply isn't edgy or dark enough. The film treads over some pretty brutal territory to deliver a heaping helping of sitcom-style gags, set pieces and cheap laughs. Our characters aren't always that likeable, either. We're never given much time to see them grow before the whole "bad boss" theme kicks into high gear (during the opening credits). And editing feels a bit sloppy, especially in the extended cut. As such, the film almost plays like a random assortment of deleted scenes from other movies loosely taped together by a paper-thin plot. Never do we feel like our heroes are actually going to go through with it, nor do we feel much danger.

Another slight annoyance is the lack of any real development for our villains, played by Kevin Spacey (looking damn creepy), Jennifer Aniston (looking damn sexy) and Colin Farrell (looking damn ugly). Each character is a thinly crafted one-note joke, and while the gags are very funny, I couldn't help but want to see the motivation behind each character's madness. We get a small glimpse into each of their worlds, but it's only a taste of the comedic (and dramatic) potential.

Horrible Bosses is really a film that succeeds because of its dynamic cast. Sudeikis, Bateman and Day have great chemistry and play off one another quite well. There's not a single moment that goes without a laugh when these guys stick themselves in a situation they should not be in.

 Everyone has had a bad boss – someone who didn't seem to know what they were doing, promised a promotion but passed you up for it, promoted themselves, ignored you, stepped on you, never really worked, or worse. It's a cliché at this point. And this is why Horrible Bosses is both refreshing and kinda stale all at the same time. The film centers on three friends – Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day – who conspire to kill their terrible bosses (who commit the offenses noted above, and worse), but find out it's much easier said than done. The film certainly doesn't tread any new ground. It also steals bits from other movies quite often. Hell, the film even opens and closes using the same song that opens and closes I Love You, Man. But Horrible Bosses is cathartic and entertaining as hell to watch nonetheless.

The film's biggest flaw is that it simply isn't edgy or dark enough. The film treads over some pretty brutal territory to deliver a heaping helping of sitcom-style gags, set pieces and cheap laughs. Our characters aren't always that likeable, either. We're never given much time to see them grow before the whole "bad boss" theme kicks into high gear (during the opening credits). And editing feels a bit sloppy, especially in the extended cut. As such, the film almost plays like a random assortment of deleted scenes from other movies loosely taped together by a paper-thin plot. Never do we feel like our heroes are actually going to go through with it, nor do we feel much danger.

Another slight annoyance is the lack of any real development for our villains, played by Kevin Spacey (looking damn creepy), Jennifer Aniston (looking damn sexy) and Colin Farrell (looking damn ugly). Each character is a thinly crafted one-note joke, and while the gags are very funny, I couldn't help but want to see the motivation behind each character's madness. We get a small glimpse into each of their worlds, but it's only a taste of the comedic (and dramatic) potential.

Horrible Bosses is really a film that succeeds because of its dynamic cast. Sudeikis, Bateman and Day have great chemistry and play off one another quite well. There's not a single moment that goes without a laugh when these guys stick themselves in a situation they should not be in.

The supporting cast is pretty darn terrific, too. Colin Farrell nails the cokehead pampered son of the owner. Aniston is clearly having a blast playing the uber-horny sexpot. And even Spacey seems to really be enjoying his return to the character he created in Swimming with Sharks. Jamie Foxx also chimes in with a quick, but funny role as a con artist who tells our hapless morons how to kill someone.

Horrible Bosses is not a great comedy, but it's still worth a look. It feels as though a sharper, darker, funnier film was hidden underneath the somewhat one-note exterior, but what we get in its place isn't so bad.

Horrible bosses movie images


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Horrible bosses review

You've all had that one boss, right? The one who convinced all your colleagues that you were an alcoholic, had coke-fuelled orgies in his office or sexually harassed you to the point of borderline rape? Nah, me either. The worst I've ever had to put up with is being made to process the quarterly spend spreadsheets a week early. Not so much 'horrible' as 'insensitive to my existing workload'.

But then, as much as I’m sure the premise-in-a-nutshell is supposed to be relatable, this is a story for which plausibility took a running jump off a belief-suspension bridge. Instead, we have a stupendous high-as-a-kite concept worthy of the Farrelly Brothers, as we watch three perfectly rational men come to the conclusion that the best way of dealing with each of their difficult bosses is to murder them in cold blood.

Okay, so perhaps it’s unfair to judge a comedy harshly for a flawed premise when the obvious intention is just to give opportunities for hi-jinks and silliness. The film is, after all, as funny as you might expect from the top-notch talent involved (even if all the best bits were in the trailers). Jason Bateman plays his typical pragmatic leader among such humorous idiocy, while Charlie Day tends to win the comedy contest between the three leads as his raspy anxiety makes for many hoots and chortles.

Neither of them live up to Colin Farrell's whacked-out, coke-paranoid Bobby Pellitt, though, who has most of the best lines (including, in reference to a wheelchair-bound employee, "It creeps me out – rolling around all day in his special little secret chair!" – again, in the trailer). At the same time,
Jennifer Aniston raises her potty-mouth game, discussing "cocks" and "pussy" with such abandon that it's all you can do to shake your head and think “Oh no no no…but you're Rachel..." Her first line, in which she asks Charlie Day if he has ever seen Gossip Girl only to say that she spent the previous night "fingering myself so hard to Penn Badgley, I broke a nail" left me flabbergasted. Which is, of course, the point, but still... Rachel.