Sunday, December 30, 2012

Horrible bosses movie trailer

Neither of them live up to Colin Farrell's whacked-out, coke-paranoid Bobby Pellitt, though, who has most of the best lines (including, in reference to a wheelchair-bound employee, "It creeps me out – rolling around all day in his special little secret chair!" – again, in the trailer). At the same time,
Jennifer Aniston raises her potty-mouth game, discussing "cocks" and "pussy" with such abandon that it's all you can do to shake your head and think “Oh no no no…but you're Rachel..." Her first line, in which she asks Charlie Day if he has ever seen Gossip Girl only to say that she spent the previous night "fingering myself so hard to Penn Badgley, I broke a nail" left me flabbergasted. Which is, of course, the point, but still... Rachel.


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